Surah al-Mujadilah (Arabic: سورة المجادلة, "She Who Disputes, The Pleading Woman") is the 58th chap...
Surah al-Mujadilah (Arabic: سورة المجادلة, "She Who Disputes, The Pleading Woman") is the 58th chapter (sūrah) of the Quran with 22 verses (ayat). Revealed in Medina, the chapter first addresses the legality of pre-Islamic method of divorce called zihar. The name "she who disputes" refers to the woman who petitioned Muhammad about the unjustness of this method, and the chapters first verses outlaws it and prescribes how to deal with past cases of zihar. The chapter also discusses public assemblies and prescribes manners associated with it. The chapter ends by contrasting what it calls "the confederates of God" and "the confederates of Satan" and promising rewards for the former.Revelation history:According to the Islamic tradition, the chapter was revealed during the Medinan period of Muhammads prophethood, therefore, a Medinan sura. A minority opinion says that only the first ten verses were from the Medinan period, and the rest were from the Meccan period. Another minority opinion says that verse 9 was from the Meccan period, and the rest Medinan.Both traditional and modern scholars of the Quran date the revelation of the chapter to between 4 AH to 7 AH (roughly 625–628 CE), likely after the Battle of the Trench. The Muslim community was in Medina under the leadership of Muhammad, under threat from the Quraysh tribe in Mecca and from the intrigues of "the hypocrites" (munafiqun, those who were outwardly Muslim but secretly opposed the Muslims) and the Jewish tribes in Medina. The Constitution of Medina acts as a constitution for this community, and the Quran—regarded as divine revelations by the Muslims—provided the law, and Muhammad acts as the final authority in interpreting the law and adjudicating disputes among the members of the community."She who disputes"The first section (verses 1 to 6) was revealed in response to a juridical petition by a Muslim woman named Khaula bint Thalaba, whom the chapter name refers to. Her husband, a Muslim man named Aws ibn al-Samit, divorced her using the pre-Islamic Arabian custom of zihar. According to the custom, when a husband invoked the declaration "You are to me as my mothers back", the husband would be free to remarry and released from his obligation towards his wife, while the wife could not remarry. This practice was not isolated and many new converts to Islam used it in Medina.Khaula considered this practice unfair to woman and petitioned Muhammad, as ruler and judge in Medina, to revoke the divorce, using moral and legal arguments. Muhammad initially declined to rule in her favor, citing the existing social custom and the lack of Quranic revelation to the contrary. According to the Islamic tradition, Khaula prayed to God about her predicament, and then God revealed the first six verses of Al-Mujadila to Muhammad, stating that her prayer was heard, overruling Muhammad and effectively outlawing the practice of zihar.The chapter is named Al-Mujadila, "she who disputes", in reference to Khawla bint Thalaba whose petition was the occasion of revelation for some of the chapters verses. It is alternatively called Al-Mujadalah, a related word meaning "the dialogue", referring to the use of discourse and the dialectical method that is an important theme in the chapter.i) If a person recites surah al Hadid and surah al Mujadilah in his obligatory salats (salah / namaz / solat / salat / salaah / salaat) regularly Allah would not punish him so long as he lives in this world; neither he nor his family would face any trouble or worry.ii) Whoso recites this surah would get deliverance on the day of judgement.iii) If any valuabel article or document is kept or buried in safe place recite this sura.